Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor Page 7
Amber couldn't take another bite when they finished. She sat back, sighing in satisfaction.
"Can we see the dessert menu,” Ryja asked when the waiter returned. The smaller menu was filled with tempting confections.
"I really can't.” Amber waved the menu away.
"Okay,” he grinned. “Bring one of these and we'll share it.” He pointed to an item.
Amber groaned inside. He'd picked out a slice of cake that was smothered in chocolate frosting, raspberry drippings and slivers of chipped chocolate. That would be hard to resist. Once the plate with the overly large slice of cake was set between them, Amber found she could not resist. Several bites later, she discovered she had room in her stomach that she didn't think existed.
She really did push back this time, shoving the plate toward Ryja. “You finish."
When the waiter brought the check, Ryja didn't even blink. She knew it was more than she could have afforded. He pulled out a wallet and paid in cash. Amber idly wondered where Ryja got Earth currency. There must be some valuable commodity he exchanged for cash. She'd ask him later, it would make for a good discussion. But right now she was relaxed and simply enjoying the company of a charming dinner companion.
After they left the bistro, Ryja asked, “Do you want to take a walk? There's a park nearby?"
"Not Central Park?"
"Nope,” he laughed. “I like danger, but not that much."
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Chapter Eight
They walked a few blocks arm in arm, discussing the restaurant and the meal. She always enjoyed their conversations, which were filled with lively tidbits. Either Ryja was asking her a question about some Earth custom or she was chuckling at a mistake he'd made, which could encompass a large amount of material. There was no way Ryja could learn everything he needed to know about Earth in a few months, which was the amount of time he said it took to travel from the last destination. Foreigners took years to meld into America's society, if they chose to that is.
Although Ryja kept the translator on his belt, it still got a few things wrong. Like when they passed a small fruit stand in front of a mom and pop grocery store. and Ryja stopped to admire the dark red apples. He pronounced them as “A pulls". Amber giggled and he just shrugged.
As they neared a grouping of trees, Amber was pleased by three young men crooning songs near the park. They stopped, listened for a bit, and Ryja left a few dollars in a cap. Amber wished she had thought to bring a purse, for she would have loved to contribute. Of course didn't have her purse or any money with her when she was beamed aboard.
The park was an open affair with benches scattered among trees and swaths of green grass. It was very pleasant and they sat on a bench, watching people stroll by.
"That couple's in love.” Ryja started the game, pointing at a young couple who squeezed each other's hands and giggled as they passed.
"Better one.” Amber pointed to an old couple, who strolled slowly along, also holding hands.
"Two points,” he conceded.
"I bet they've walked many evenings together.” She didn't realize she'd sighed,
sensing romance in the air.
"I still get one point for youthful exuberance."
She laughed. “Sure, I'll give you that one."
"You'll give it to me.” Ryja turned and tickled her waist.
"Stop.” Amber squealed and pushed his hands away. “I'm too full to be playing around."
"Oh, really."
Ryja ran one hand down her ribs and she shivered.
"Unfair contact."
"Unfair?” He leaned down, touching her nose with his, mischievous lights making his eyes sparkle. “Not unwanted."
"You are a tease.” Amber frowned, but it was hard to maintain when all she wanted to do was laugh.
"And you are not?” His voice was deep, husky.
"What do you mean?"
"Just look at you. A female bombshell."
She blushed. “You're not bad yourself."
"Would it be against your dating rules to kiss you on the first date?” He ran one hand behind her neck, not waiting for an answer.
"It's the second,” she whispered as he drew her forward. Amber shivered at his touch. Ryja gently moved across her lips, his tongue running along her lower lip, urging her to open her mouth. She did, moving deeper into his embrace.
The world shrank until all she was aware of was Ryja, his scent, the taste of chocolate on his tongue, and the feel of his strong arms about her. Her hands seemed to have a will of their own, running up his waist and then gripping his upper back, pulling him tighter.
Giggles made her draw back. The young couple was passing, glancing over their shoulders at them. “I guess we're a public spectacle."
Ryja stared into her eyes, his filled with heat and longing. “Do you want to go somewhere more...private?"
Her gaze flicked to the park and the people around them, then back to him. His face was mere inches from hers, and she wanted him more than she could ever remember desiring a man. Her body was weak from one kiss. What would lovemaking be like? Of course she already knew the answer.
Closing her eyes, Amber took a grip on herself. What happened to her standards if she had sex with him now?
Opening her eyes, she smiled gently, and pushed from his arms. “I think I'd like to go back to the ship. It's been a long day."
Ryja nodded but she could tell from his expression he knew it was an excuse. Standing, he drew her up, and then held one of her hands as they strolled back toward the restaurant. “We're going back to the alley?"
"It's the safest place if it is still clear.” He stared around them. The streets were filled with people.
When they arrived at the narrow alley, Ryja walked in first, looking around. “I
don't see anyone."
Just as he spoke, two tough looking men jumped from behind the dumpster. One had a knife and said, “Give us your money buddy.” He was a small, wiry fellow, but his eyes were mean.
Amber's heart raced. Would Ryja comply, or try to fight? She didn't even know if he knew how. Just because you looked like a warrior didn't mean you knew how to be one. He stared at the men, then at her.
"Sure.” He withdrew his wallet and pitched it at them. “No use anyone getting hurt."
"Listen to the pussy,” the other man said in a gravelly voice, sneering. He was a big man, with tattooed sleeves.
She watched Ryja apprehensively. He sure didn't seem to like what the thief said, his eyes turning dark. Was that anger? She couldn't tell, but he didn't act afraid.
The man with the wallet was counting the money, then said, “Let's go."
"Nah.” The large man stepped toward them. “I'd like to get to know the lady better. She's pretty as a playgirl."
The knife wielder ran his eyes over her figure and she suddenly wished the wrap was around her shoulders instead of hanging from her arm. “That right girlie, have you posed for Playboy?"
"Of course not.” Amber couldn't seem to stop herself from replying.
"Don't converse with these men.” Ryja held one hand up in front of her face. “They are beneath you."
"Hey.” The deep voiced, burly character stepped forward.
Ryja moved so quickly Amber wasn't sure later what she'd seen. But he flashed his arm toward the man and then the thief was groaning on the ground. The guy holding the knife stabbed at Ryja, who was ready, blocking the man's hand with his forearm. Super fast, he squeezed the hand with his free one, and twisted. The knife dropped and Ryja kicked it away.
"Mother fucker,” the man yelled and swung at him.
Moving slightly to the side, Ryja allowed the man to stumble and then punched him in the stomach. Powerful blows were exchanged, a few from the criminal landing on Ryja, but most were received by their attacker.
Amber eyed the man groaning on the ground. He lay there, gripping his ribs and she wondered if that one blow had broken them. Turning back to the ac
tion, she watched as Ryja pummeled the man. Finally, wheezing and weak, the thief turned and ran down the alley. His friend got to his feet slowly and followed him.
Speaking into his hand held device, Ryja had them beamed aboard.
"You were playing with that man, weren't you?"
"What makes you say that.” Ryja wiped a drop of blood from his cheek.
"Because,” she took the corner of her wrap and dabbed at his injured cheekbone. “You knocked down the first man with one blow."
"Good observation.” He grinned as they walked toward the bedroom. “He deserved a beating. Bastard."
Amber raised an eyebrow. She had never heard him curse. Couldn't blame him
though. “It was a frightening experience, at least for me.” She squeezed one bicep and then let go. “I'm glad you know how to defend yourself."
"All Arrak youth go through battle training, even if they do not choose to join the Federation troops."
"You never shared that with me."
"I guess not.” They were passing one of the nondescript doors marked with a symbol, when Ryja stopped. “Speaking of not sharing...I've been meaning to introduce you to Xartor III and keep forgetting."
"I do remember you mentioning it. I wondered at the time why you wanted to
introduce me to a computer."
He waved a hand for her to enter. The room was very small, with heavily padded walls and just the one door. The only object in it was a large rectangular metal box. It had flashing lights and a few wheels. It didn't look like any other computer she'd seen on the spaceship. “It reminds me of one of those old computers you see in 1950's movies."
"Pretty much.” Ryja strolled the few steps to it and pointed to a clear glass case that sat in the middle of the thing. “Come look."
Amber was hesitant but stepped next to him and glanced down. Inside the case rested a large pink slug looking creature. “What is it?"
"What makes the computer a Xartor III and very expensive."
She stared at him Was he kidding?
"Xartor III, what am I thinking?” Ryja pointed at the slug creature as he spoke.
Obliging, Amber stared back through the case. The slug was undulating its
disgusting body and electrical sparks shot from its body, one after another, hitting the interior of the metal casing inside. The computer hummed and then a disembodied voice said, “You think that Amber will think you are crazy."
Amber frowned and looked at Ryja. “Is this some parlor game? Anyone could have guessed that."
He shrugged. “What is Amber thinking?"
Reluctantly, she stared back down, watching the sparks fly from the strange slug.
"She thinks I resemble an ugly slug from planet Earth."
"Amber.” Ryja frowned, but a smile lurked on his lips. “You've just insulted one of the most unique sapient beings in the galaxy."
Her mouth fell open. “How was I supposed to know?” Looking down, she sighed and said, “I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."
"Apology accepted,” the voice replied.
"Can we go,” she whispered. “This makes me very uncomfortable.” She stared at Ryja, unable to keep her eyes from running over his handsome form.
"She thinks you look spectacular tonight."
"Hey, get out of my mind.” Amber blushed, realizing she'd given herself away without even protesting.
As they turned to leave, it got the last word in. “She is grateful you saved her life."
"Well, that is true."
Ryja chuckled. “You're welcome."
"How can you live with Xartor III, knowing it can read your mind anytime it
He patted the buckle on his belt. “A dampener field. I wear one on every piece of clothes, and turn it off when I want Xartor III to mind read."
"Like the translation?"
"Yep. And if he is going to read say an ambassadors mind for me, he will be able to get into my mind as well."
"I'm not sure I'd like that."
"It takes some getting used to, but he is an invaluable resource."
"I guess."
"Can I get a dampener?” Amber had no idea if Xartor III had been reading her mind all along, but it gave her the creeps to think so.
"Sure. I'll get you one tomorrow. It will stick onto any piece of clothing."
They had entered the bedroom, and Amber started undressing absentmindedly. “Why does the slug live inside that computer?"
"First, the slug is called a Keeri. It is a parasite of sort, and it lives its life in a symbiotic relationship with a computer. This Keeri's name is Stanley."
"His Keeri name is unpronounceable, and that was the closest I could get to it.” Ryja laughed. “The matching between the two is called Xartor III."
"I kind of understand, but that still doesn't explain that old looking computer."
"The first time a Keeri discovered a symbiotic relationship with a computer, it was on a primitive world that barely started using mechanical brains. Once one connected, the others on the planet followed suit. It made for astonishing results. The computer was able to take the mind reading capabilities of the Keeri and translate it into spoken language.
"What do they eat?” Amber thought about the fat little creature in that glass case. No grass, nothing but metal and glass around it.
"They don't eat in the classic sense. They absorb electricity from the computer."
"Oh. And that is electricity shooting out of them when they read minds?"
"Good observation Amber.” Ryja looked pleased.
"It's absolutely amazing.” Slipping on her new P.J.'s, she asked, “Why the outdated computer though?"
Ryja shrugged. “No one really understands. But the Federation officials have offered the Keeri modern computers, with special cases built in. A few Keeri did try them but asked to be put back with the old computers.” He sat down and slipped off his shoes. “For some reason they just didn't like the newer additions."
Time passed quickly. Every other day Ryja asked her out on a date. He confided he had initially thought to go out every day, but he was behind in cataloging his recordings and wanted to use the time to catch up. Amber read, even delving into books from other planets. Although the ereader translated the language, it was hard to understand a different species way of thinking. Still it was fascinating.
Of course she helped Ryja when she could. Sometimes she felt like she was in his way, so didn't offer her assistance to the exclusion of everything else. She also spent more time with Mica, asking him to show her how to prepare some of the dishes he created. The android was very delighted by her interest, and she drew closer to him as the days passed.
Amber even visited a few times with Stanley, once she'd asked Ryja if it was all right. She knew she'd insulted the funny looking creature and wanted to make up for it. She found that Stanley could carry on a mind conversation without invading her mind other than for the words being exchanged. He had informed her of this when she first visited, and she was relieved. It was a surprising discovery that Stanley was quite intelligent and had a wicked sense of humor as well.
As Amber entered the bedroom to get ready for their third date, she sighed heavily, realizing she was going to miss so much when she had to return home. She'd miss Mica's wonderful meals and their developing friendship. She would even miss little Stanley's weird but fascinating mind conversations. But mostly she would miss Ryja. Her eyes teared up, so Amber turned from her thoughts and became occupied with getting ready.
Today, Ryja was taking her for an all day outing at a beach. She changed into a pink bikini with shorts and a t-shirt over it. Sunglasses, tanning lotion, a good book, and a beach towel was all she needed. Mica had acquired everything at his last shopping excursion, and the items were packed away in a large woven beach purse he'd brought back.
Ryja came in already dressed and they headed for the jump room. She couldn't wait to see what he wore beneath his sh
orts and shirt.
"What beach are we going to?” He'd refused to tell her so far.
"I thought something exotic would be nice,” he smiled mysteriously.
She was a bit peeved with him, but after they beamed down, how could she be?
Aquamarine water stretched for miles, while below a quiet, uncrowded beach awaited. “Ryja, are my eyes fooling me, or is the sand pink?"
"It is. Reminds me of home."
"Your beaches are pink?” At his nod, she smiled. “Arrak must be something else."
"I told you it was.” He waved a hand, “Welcome to Horseshoe Bay, Bermuda."
"Ooh, I had a friend who toured here. She told me it was very lovely, and I agree."
They spent the day playing in the surf and sunbathing. For lunch they had hamburgers at a nearby cafe, and for dinner tried one of the five star restaurants. Amber hadn't thought about bringing other clothes, but Ryja did, carrying them in a large gym bag.
She was slightly tanned, but more sunburned when they returned. In spite of the pain from her sensitive skin, she felt wonderful. It had been a memorable date. Ryja had not disappointed when he disrobed, revealing his muscular build in a pair of turquoise swim trunks. Every female, old and young, ogled him wherever they walked. And who could blame them?
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Chapter Nine
Ryja woke her early for a date he'd planned at Vail, Colorado. Amber was excited. She'd never been to Vail, and had not been skiing since college. Ryja told her they didn't ski in the same way as Earthlings, but they participated in a similar sport using one board. Amber showed him the basics and was shocked when he was able to keep up with her on the intermediate skill level slopes but a short time later.
By the afternoon, she was tired but exhilarated, and ready for the lodge room Ryja had reserved. It was large, with a separate living room and bedroom. The decor was rustic, even sporting two large antler chandeliers in each room. The soft, sink-in leather furniture was a joy to relax on. They ordered dinner in, and Amber went with Ryja's choice of steak and potatoes. She was starving and a juicy steak would hit the spot.