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Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor Page 6

  Amber was glad Ryja was gone when she awoke. He'd been true to his words and had left her alone during the night. A small part of her felt guilty. After all, he'd chosen her as a match, which included the sexual relationship. And the handsome alien was more than she could have wished for as a sex partner. But, she just couldn't jump into bed with him right away.

  She wondered again if she should ask him to return her home, and then he could look for a more compatible partner. No, her mind replied. She was having way too much fun, and though Ryja was puzzled by her wishes, he'd agreed to the dating rules. Then there was something inside her that didn't want to let him go. A possessive feeling.

  Amber shrugged away her worries. This adventure couldn't last forever. In two months she was due back in class, but until then she was going to have a blast.

  Amber took a shower, and then dressed in the same clothes. She was going to have to get more clothing. Perhaps Ryja would let her use the replicator. She found the dining room, and Mica walked in shortly after she arrived, carrying a tray with Danish and fruit. She was going to miss the talented android when she left.

  "Where's Ryja?"

  "In the library doing research.” Although his voice was a smooth as always, Amber sensed curiosity in his tone.

  She smiled, sure of the subject he was investigating.

  "Mica, why don't you have a seat so we can become better acquainted?"

  He looked surprised, but then sat across from her. Not sure where to begin, she asked the obvious, “Haven't any of Ryja's other girlfriends asked you to chat?"

  His face smoothed into an expressionless mask. Had she seen a flash of pain before he switched to a bland face? Now Amber wished she hadn't asked. It was thoughtless, and she felt like she'd crammed her foot way down her throat.

  "Most of Ryja's lady friends have ignored me.” He paused. “The two who did speak with me wanted to know more about Ryja."

  Oh. She had that in mind when she asked him to be seated. Thinking quickly, she said, “Well, I have to admit I am curious about him, but I really would like to know more about you too."

  She waved a hand at the room. “I don't know if you can imagine how shocking all this is to an Earthling."

  He smiled. “It is a much smoother transition for women when their home planet is already a member of the Federation."

  "So, there have been others like me?"

  "Only one."

  "I see.” She stared at her plate, deep in thought, then glanced up. “Wouldn't it be against Federation rules or something?"

  "They don't encourage contact.” He seemed on the verge of saying something else, but stopped.

  "What do you think of Earth?"

  "I like it,” Mica's eyes twinkled. “The people I've encountered have been pleasant, and none had a clue I was anything but another human."

  "It must be hard."

  He shrugged. “When people treat you like a robot.” He stared at the centerpiece. “It's insulting."

  "I can imagine. I think you look like an exceptionally handsome man.” If you

  didn't look too close for imperfections, since you wouldn't find any, he could pass for human.

  "Thank you.” Mica stared at her with those brilliant eyes.

  The door opened abruptly and Amber was glad. Her conversation with Mica bordered on too intrusive, and she did not want to hurt this wonderful beings feelings.

  "Good morning Amber.” Ryja sat down. “Mica,” he turned to the android, “If you don't mind, I'd love a cup of coffee."

  Mica had already stood up when Ryja entered, and walked to the kitchen door, returning with a cup. Ryja took two Danish's from the tray and nibbled on one.

  "I thought you ate this morning,” she laughed.

  "That was hours ago."

  She almost blushed. Darn it, she loved to sleep in during the summer. Some days she just lazed the day away, cuddling up on her couch in pajamas and watching old movies. Ryja's comment made her feel guilty because he had awoken way before her.

  "Did you find what you were looking for?” She tore a piece of flaky pastry off, trying to act casual.

  "Why don't you just ask me?” He leaned forward, a devilish look on his face.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Seven

  She dropped the Danish on the plate. “All right, did you find out what you need to know about dating?"

  "Yes,” he grinned. “You wouldn't believe all the information on Earth's internet."

  "Oh, I would."

  "There are some very interesting facts about Earthlings sex practices too."

  Amber groaned inside. She did not want to hear this. He probably stumbled onto a porno site, and she did not want to be treated like a sex object.

  "I discovered that many Earth girls are easy.” His grin got beneath her skin.


  "But then I also found that many nice women like to wait."

  She looked up at him. He was calling her a nice girl.

  "There were some references to men liking to take these type of women home to meet their family. Wife material."

  She stared at him. Was he teasing her? Making fun of her? “Does that scare you?"

  He snorted, and then didn't say anything for a few seconds, finishing the pastry in his hand. Licking his fingers distracted her, so she almost missed his next words.

  "Do you want to go out with me tonight?"

  "Huh?” She drew her gaze from his mouth, where crumbs of pastry clung to his full bottom lip. She had a sudden desire to lick them clean. Clearing her throat, she said, “Yes, I'd love to go out with you."

  "I thought a dinner at a nice restaurant would suffice."

  "Sounds great.” She smiled ruefully. “I'm not sure if my jeans wardrobe will fit


  He glanced at her. “We should probably dress up. Go to the clothes room anytime today and tell the computer what you want to wear."

  "The replicating machine is the one to the right of the closet, correct?"

  "Yes. Just give it instructions, you don't have to touch anything."

  "I need some other clothes if you don't mind."

  "Sure. Anything you need the replicator can create it for you."

  This date was sounding more interesting than she first thought. She didn't know what she had expected him to come up with, but right out of the gate he had the right notion. Self, she interjected, we still have the date to get through. Then we'll see his scores.

  Ryja got up and she followed him out. “I have calculations and recordings to work on. I'll see you in the bedroom, say 7:00 pm?"

  "That's fine. No lunch today?"

  He stopped. “You'd miss me?"

  "Yes, I would.” She had to be honest.

  "I'll be eating in the recording chamber.” He waved and strolled away.

  Maybe it was a good thing, this brief separation. It would make her long for his presence more. Was that his intention? Stop, she chided. If it was, it wasn't a bad idea.

  Amber entered the room where the computer made clothes. She'd thought about it a while and had chosen the reliable little black dress for the dinner date. After receiving the items the amazing computer whipped up for her, Amber headed for the bedroom. She immediately changed into fresh clothes. Everything fit perfect.

  She thumbed through the library list, and headed for the bedroom around 6:00 pm. Ryja wasn't there yet, and he must still be working on cataloging his recordings. Taking a long, hot shower, Amber decided to put her hair up in a bun with a fan of hair erupting from it. She put on makeup heavily, going for a glamorous look. Batting her eyes, she giggled. Her lashes were long and thick enough she didn't need false eyelashes.

  Mica had been a wonder, bringing back several selections of makeup when he'd gone to the local market. He must have shopped in a pharmacy or retail store. A large case held all the eye shadow she would need no matter what she wore. He had also brought back a case with a multitude of lipstick choices. Mica ha
d also selected different shades of face makeup, explaining he wasn't sure which one would match her skin color.

  Normally, she didn't wear makeup, except when she went out on a date or somewhere special. Amber's lashes didn't require mascara to pop, so the natural look worked for her. Coupled with her pale, clear skin and dark lips, she didn't need war paint on a daily basis. Amber hadn't even thought of makeup during her time with Ryja and he didn't seem to notice anything was missing.

  Amber had to admit she liked the glamorous look. The black eye liner plus the hairdo gave her an exotic air. Now to add cake to the icing. Slipping on the black dress, she was pleased with its soft fabric. It fell to mid-thigh as she had instructed the machine, while the square neckline was cut a bit low.

  Last, she pulled a strand of white beads and matching earrings out of the jewelry

  box. She touched the pale strands around her neck. They looked like pearls, and who

  knew with Mica, they could be.

  The outfit was complete with a pair of cute strap black shoes, compliment of the computer. She had asked for a wrap in case it was chilly, and had chosen a silver translucent fabric. Wrapping it around her shoulders, Amber was satisfied. The pearls took on a silver sheen when close to the material.

  At a slight noise, she turned. Ryja stood there, hand on the door, motionless. His eyes told her what she wanted to hear.

  "Amber, you are so beautiful."

  Blushing slightly, she said, “I can't wait to see what you are wearing."

  He nodded and walked toward the bathroom, taking the clothes thrown over his arm with him.

  Amber frittered the time away by thinking about their first wild sexual encounter. Her cheeks heated and blood rushed through her body. She wiggled, not pleased with the beating from her groin. This was not the way to start off their first date, with her wanting to pounce on him. Shaking her head at herself, Amber squashed her urges down. She had to control her desire, for they had nine dates to get through. Purposely, she turned her mind to the Jurassic jump.

  When the bathroom door opened, Amber stood up. She was stunned. Ryja wore an expensive looking pair of black pants with a white shirt. The shirt was open just enough to show a hint of his tanned flesh in the opening. Silver cuff links twinkled at his wrists.

  His hair was pulled back into a low ponytail at his neck. He looked like a movie star, handsome and elegant.

  Ryja stood dumbfounded at the door when he saw Amber dressed in evening attire. She was lovely beyond words, but he uttered some anyway for her benefit. Through the years he had relationships with many gorgeous women of all descriptions from other worlds, yet he truly thought Amber beat them all in the beauty department.

  He had already put her high in the intelligence and companion area, but her looks pulled her into the top group. Not that he was keeping score. Ryja just knew what he wanted from a partner while studying a planet. He also realized that his future wife might come from one of these relationships.

  When was the last time he was home? Ryja couldn't remember without thinking about it. His travels kept him busy and happy. While he stayed in frequent contact with his family, he didn't get home as often as he'd like or should. Ryja had a sudden longing for far off Arrak. He instantaneously decided he would head home after finishing with Earth's studies. If he didn't find a future mate while exploring the universe, then maybe it was time to start looking on Arrak.

  Zendra, his neighbor for years, was a lovely girl. With her long, sandy colored

  locks and slender frame, she was never without male company. They had dated a few times before he took off for the stars. He knew Zendra had a crush on him since they were teenagers, and he liked her too.

  Movement drew his thoughts back to Amber. Zendra was on parallel with Amber in the intellect arena, but she knew so much more because his people were more advanced. But then, Zendra had no interest in history or the Galactic Library. He smiled. Amber was excited about every aspect of studying history.

  Her eyes had gone wide like a little kid when he told her about the Library. Giving Amber details about the Library had been the topic of discussion at breakfast. He had almost seen her internal wheels turning, trying to figure out a way to one day see the famous Library.

  Zendra also didn't have a sense of humor either, while Amber often made him chuckle. No, he realized at that moment, Zendra didn't hold a candle to Amber for a partner.


  He looked at her, knowing his mind had been flowing with thoughts as she chatted.

  "You didn't hear a word I said."

  "Yes, I.” He stopped. “You are right, I didn't."

  Amber put her hands on her waist. “If I didn't know better I'd swear you were a male from Earth."

  It was hard to think when her hands crushed the fabric into her waist, highlighting how tiny it was. Her action had pulled the neckline down lower too. Ryja swallowed. Her big, creamy breasts rose over the material, seemingly made for a man's touch. Was that a pink nipple he saw peaking over the edge?

  "Hey, I'm up here.” Amber snorted, pointing at her head with one hand.

  Ryja felt his cheeks redden, while his penis was half-hard just looking at her. “I'm sorry. It's just that you are so breathtakingly lovely, that I was tongue-tied."

  "Oh.” Her arms eased down to her side, while her eyes glided downward. “I see that you are telling the truth."

  His stomach growled, saving face in a different way. She giggled. He took that as

  his escape from an uncomfortable situation. Normally, growing an erection at the sight of a lovely partner wouldn't even be an issue. But he was trying to maintain a certain distance and decorum during the duration of their agreed nine dates.

  Sticking out his arm, he said, “Ready to go?"

  Nodding she slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. He escorted her all the way to the jump room, determined to act the gentleman he'd studied in the old movies. Amber glanced around once they entered the room. To assure her, he explained, “We're going to use the pads, but not the bubbles."

  He stepped up on one pad and she followed his example on the other. “We'll be beaming to Earth."

  She looked a bit nervous, which he found a little odd. Amber had accepted the shield growing up around her and then the disorientating time jump just fine. Maybe it was because this was different. He told the computer the coordinates before she grew more anxious. They beamed into an alley, and Ryja stepped quickly to Amber's side, taking her arm.

  "Where are we?"

  "New York City."

  She scrunched her nose. “Stinks.” They both turned, taking in their surroundings.

  The alley was dark and narrow, trash cans and a dumpster lined one side.

  Amber looked up at him, the distance between them less since she wore heels. “An alley sounds like a dangerous place to land."

  "It has to be an area the computer has scanned as open and free of people."

  "I see."

  "If there was trouble, I can handle it."

  She stared at him, seeming to gauge him. “You are right. I believe you could.” Slipping her hand through his arm again, she asked, “Which way?"

  His chest had expanded slightly at her vote of confidence. Amber was unaware of his warrior training, for they had been shielded on their journey through time. There had been no need for protecting her from danger either. As he moved out of the dark alley, he wondered if they just might encounter menace of some kind tonight.

  Shaking his head at himself, he threw off thoughts of acting the knight rescuing the princess like in the fairy tale movies. This was reality. It would put Amber in danger and it wasn't something he wished, no matter the results.

  They turned the corner and bright lights and the sound of pleasant music floated out to the street. The sign on the building at the corner read “Antonio's Bistro.” When they entered he was pleased by the pleasant atmosphere. Subdued colors and lighting, mingled with people speaking softly over a fat candle in
the center of each white tablecloth draped table, created an intimate setting. In one corner a young man strummed a guitar and sang a romantic song.

  He'd have to thank Mica later for his help with research. “The food is supposed to be first class and the place nice."

  "It is wonderful.” She smiled sweetly. “I'm sure the food will be as good."

  Amber was impressed with the date so far. The small bistro had the romantic atmosphere she hoped for, and Ryja drew every ladies eye as they passed. She held in a giggle. While she had dated some good looking men, no one had received the attention her alien date did. Following his usual habit, Ryja pulled out the chair for her.

  The waiter appeared after they got seated, naming the night's special, which was salmon. When he left, Amber read the menu, not sure what she wanted really, but not fish. It was written in French which made it look fancy, but if not for the English translation she'd have felt like an idiot. I knew I should have taken French in college.

  Yum. She found what she wanted. Medallions of veal tenderloin with mushrooms in a luxurious Cognac cream sauce with vegetables and potatoes would do very nicely. Ryja ordered them both Potage du jour, the Chef's soup of the day. When had he learned French? Oh, she'd forgotten about the translator.

  Ever since Mica had whipped up different Earth recipes, Ryja had become a big fan of steak and baked potatoes. He ordered hand cut, Black Angus striploin steak, pan-seared with cracked pepper in demi-glace with vegetables and potatoes.

  The soup was divine and they chatted over it slowly. They had chosen a Merlot wine and sipped it while waiting for dinner. By the time it arrived, Amber was hungry. Her mouth watered when the waiter set the plate down, but she almost hated to dive in, it looked so beautifully displayed. Ryja had no qualms and cut into his steak, smiling at the first bite. He did grumble that there was no loaded baked potato, which made her smile.