Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor Page 9
They beamed down in a narrow alley, and Amber glanced around, nervous, but they quickly moved into the street. Her mouth dropped. In front of them not a hundred feet away, the Eiffel Tower soared skyward. She stretched her neck back, trying to see the top.
The line to go up was long, but they chatted the time away. When it was their turn, they decided to walk up to the first platform, and then rode the elevator the rest of the way, which seemed to take a long time. Once they got off and she saw Paris spread out around them, she forgot about her impatience on the ride up.
She knew how lucky they were to have a clear day. Amber had heard that often you couldn't see the city because it was cloudy. They spent quite a while walking around, and then descended to have lunch in the Altitude 95 restaurant.
Then they strolled the quaint streets, stopping in many shops, and Amber bought a few small souvenirs. Ryja paid of course, but she would pay him back later. Visiting Nortre Dame was a dream she'd always had, and they both enjoyed it thoroughly. The architecture was lovely, and beyond what she had imagined by looking at photos.
Evening was approaching and they started toward the Arc de Triomphe. It was an awe-inspiring structure. They ate at a cafe, watching people walk by. It was an enchanting evening, but Amber was sad they had no time for the Louvre.
"I wished we had time for the museum.” She knew Ryja would know which museum she meant. They had discussed it before.
"We'll come back.” He patted her hand lying on the table. “We'll need all day for that."
She nodded. A few hours wouldn't suffice for such a huge museum.
Once twilight descended, they walked to one of the nearby bridges, which there were many of in Paris. The sunset over the Seine river was lovely, and the city came to life in a different way when the lights flickered on.
There were lots of people walking by and couples holding hands or with their arms around each other's waist. As if by some internal signal she and Ryja turned, gazing at each other. Amber's awareness shrank, until there was only Ryja. His eyes were filled with heat, but also emotion. Was that love?
He drew her forward, kissing her softly. Her hands ran up his back, enjoying the hard muscles beneath soft fabric. Ryja's hands were in her hair, making her feel like the most desired woman in Paris.
The kisses went on for long moments, sweet at times, then turning to possessive. She could sense his longing as if he'd spoken aloud. Amber moaned and her knees were getting weak. Knowing it was time to cool things off, she pushed back.
"Too much too soon?” His voice was filled with need.
"No, yes.” She shook her head. “Kisses are fine, but we can't make love in public.” Amber interjected humor to deflect her inner turmoil.
The trip back to the ship was uneventful. It took Amber a long time to fall asleep,
for she felt restless and unfulfilled. It's your own fault.
The next day Ryja informed her they were going on an evening date to a carnival.
He spent most of the day in the library, doing research for his next project. That scared Amber. Was he close to winding up here on Earth? Surely not.
It made her wonder. Today was their ninth date, which was sped up a bit since normally there was a day in-between excursions. The tenth, and last date was next. They would have sex after, if she chose to. Don't be silly. How can you even question that?
The fact that Ryja was preparing for his future adventure so close to their big day made her question his intentions. If Ryja took off after their last date, she would feel used and abandoned.
When she showed up at the dining room for lunch, Ryja wasn't there. But she was determined to find out what was up.
"Ryja is in the library.” Mica had come through the door, carrying a tray.
She already knew that, but nodded as if it was news. “He's doing research for his next historical recording?"
"Yes.” Mica smiled and set a delicious looking salad in front of her.
That was helpful.
"I don't know,” she caught his eye. “It just seems a bit early when he is going to stay here for a while."
Mica shrugged. “It is his normal procedure to start research months ahead."
She was an idiot. He had mentioned once he spent months researching planets before landing on them. Wait, her mind became suspicious. What if he'd already been researching before he met her? Frustrated with herself, Amber asked, “So Ryja plans on staying here a month or two?"
"That's the plan.” Mica threw over his shoulder as he disappeared through the door.
Either Mica was obtuse or he was being honest. Or he'd guessed her concern and chose not to show it. She knew he was intelligent. Amber threw her napkin down. That didn't make her feel any better, so she would go to the source. She didn't want to be a one night stand.
What would be so bad about it, the imp in her mind poked. No one would know but you two. That was it. Could she live with herself if she only had a one night stand with a man she'd fallen in love with?
Amber stared at the wall. She'd walked to the bedroom while lost in her thoughts. It was close to 5:00 pm, when Ryja said to meet him here. Whether she would forgo her own standards was definitely in question. She desired Ryja more than any man in her life. At that self-admission, Roger's strong face came to mind and she flinched.
She did not want to dishonor his memory, but Amber had never wanted her now dead lover as much as Ryja. He consumed her thoughts. She realized that she still loved Roger, and always would, but Ryja filled a need in her she hadn't even known about.
While she waited, her mind flicked to the date night ahead. A carnival. Not in her wildest dreams would she have thought Ryja would pick that activity for the time before the big event. Paris had been dreamily romantic. She thought he'd choose something in the same vein.
Ryja entered the room at that moment, interrupting her thoughts. He was already wearing shorts and a t-shirt, as was she.
"Ready to go?"
She nodded, still a bit confused about the tonight. They beamed down on top of a hill, and had a good view of a sprawling carnival below them. A large roller coaster undulated along the edge, looking like a giant snake. Bright lights and cheerful music came from the carousel, while children's laughter floated upward. She smiled. It had been a long time since she'd been to a carnival.
Ryja had never been to a carnival and they strolled along slowly so he could take everything in. She talked him into riding the roller coaster and though he made a funny face, he didn't throw up. Amber giggled inside. He was a spaceman, he should be used to gravity. Giving the imp free reign, she took him on the Tilt-A-Whirl.
This time, her alien companion did look like he was going to vomit, but swallowed after they got off. A bit guilty, she bought a soda and he looked better after a few sips.
"I'm hungry."
Ryja looked a little green, but he followed her to a food booth. She got them both hot dogs and fries. After they found a spot to sit and he gave them a sniff, he dug in, finishing the dog in a few bites.
"That's good. I'm getting another.” He stood up. “You want one?"
"No, I'm fine.” She finished her fries, happy that Ryja was enjoying the food. It wasn't like eating at a nice restaurant, but there was something fun and nostalgically childish about the experience.
After they finished, Ryja asked about the game booths they were passing. When she explained the dart through the balloon one, he had to try. They both hit several, which seemed to be more luck then skill. But still it was fun and each won a cheap little bear.
They tried more games, and sometimes they were lucky, but the bag they carried
held small stuffed toys which Ryja handed to a small child. Of course he'd asked her first if it was all right and she had laughed. What would she do with them aboard a spaceship?
She dragged him on more rides, and this time he had more fun. Then they played more games, and discovered Ryja was very good at pitching a ball at bottles. He ended up winni
ng her a big prize. She chose a large floppy eared dog that reminded her of the mutt she had when she was little. This time she snuggled it under her arm, and Ryja raised an eyebrow, but he got the hint she wanted to keep this one.
They munched on candied apples, cotton candy, and funnel cakes as the night wore on. Amber was stuffed, but there was something about the atmosphere that made you want to nibble. While they rested on a bench, watching kids laughing, Amber realized she was having a really good time. Maybe it wasn't romantic, but it was a fun date.
When they walked back to the hill and Ryja beamed them, she was shocked when they landed in a parking lot. She glanced at him, but he didn't seem surprised. So he was planning something else to end their date. He walked over to an old white car. She didn't know what it was, but it had a sentimental charm that she appreciated.
"What?” She approached.
"Get in.” He waved to the passenger side.
"But, we can't steal a car."
"We're not,” he grinned. “I bought this car, and I am taking it to the ship with me.” He rubbed the dashboard. “This baby is fun to drive."
Would he ever quit surprising her? “What kind of car is it?"
"A 1959 Thunderbird. Convertible of course."
The top was already down and he took off slowly. The wind blew against her cheeks. It felt great. The night was crisp but not cold. “It is a nice night for a drive.” She watched the scenery go by, not even caring where they were headed.
"How did you come to buy this car?"
"I actually was going to rent a car, but then I saw this one on the lot. I had to have it.” He grinned.
"I didn't realize you knew how to drive an Earth car?” She watched him shift smoothly.
"I didn't, but it is very similar to vehicles on Rigmara. I learned to drive there because it was the only way to get around."
"I thought you didn't interfere when studying a planet's history?"
He chuckled. “That was before I went into historical jumping. I was taking a vacation on Rigmara."
Ryja pulled into a narrow lane, and then stopped the car. She looked around. Dark surrounded them but she could still see several cars parked on either side of them. Light shone faintly from in front of the cars. “Ooh.” A small city spread out below them, the lights making it look beautiful in the enveloping blackness of the night.
"Are we in a parking spot?” She didn't even consider Ryja might not know what
she meant.
"Yep.” He turned sideways to look at her. “I thought it'd be a nice way to end the evening."
She flushed, thankful he couldn't see it in the dark. They were parking like teenagers, which meant necking and making out. Her breathing deepened at the thought.
Ryja adjusted the seat back, then turned and slid his arm around her shoulder. He kissed her softly. She turned toward him and skimmed her hands around his neck. His silky hair was hypnotic as she played with it as their kiss continued.
Even though they both were turned sideways, the old car had plenty of room upfront. Amber shivered when Ryja began to slowly glide his hand under her t-shirt. His hands slipped over her bra, brushing the tops of her breasts. Her breath hitched when one hand slid under the lacy cup, kneading her skin.
Moan. Somehow, they slid down with her on the bottom. Although there was a small hump between the front seats, it was no hindrance to their prone bodies. A thought flickered through her mind. Was this why Ryja had chosen such an outdated car, because of the roominess?
Ryja released her mouth once they were stretched out. He kissed down her chin, giving her neck several licks. She ceased to think and only felt. Amber squirmed. Both of his hands were busy, caressing her breasts. He pulled her bra down and she jerked as his soft hair stroked her flesh.
She groaned when he flicked his warm tongue across one nipple. Torture. Amber pushed his head into her yielding flesh, and he chuckled.
Then his hot mouth sucked her beaded skin inside.
"Oh, yes,” she sighed.
Alternating licks with suckling, in seconds she was moaning, while running her
hands up and down his back. Ryja's other hand slid to her thigh. Her shorts had wide legs, and his fingers skimmed beneath the fabric.
She moaned before he even touched her panties. Then strong fingers slipping under the lace made Amber pant. She reared upward as he found her beating nub. A finger slid inside her soaked flesh. She gasped. Ryja's fingers worked magic, gliding in and out, while his thumb circled her sensitive nub. It was too much and not enough at the same time.
She pushed his head against her breast and moved her hips in time with his fingers movements.
"Hurry, kiss me,” she panted.
When he took her mouth in a deep, tongue filled kiss she screamed. He sucked her wordless cry into his mouth, shuttering it with his lips. Moans followed her scream and he rode the wave with her, while her hips bucked.
"Sounds like somebody is having fun.” A teenaged male voice spoke close to them.
[Back to Table of Contents]
Chapter Eleven
Amber's heart ratcheted down and her body relaxed. Ryja drew back, smiling down at her. He slipped his hand out of her shorts, and with a wink, he rose upward, like he was doing a pushup.
"Well,” she whispered, hoping the teen wasn't standing next to the car.
"They are in the next car, about fifteen feet away."
"Good.” She blew a breath out. “I don't want to be responsible for screwing with some teenagers mind.” Amber grinned after she made the statement. From what she knew of teens nowadays, that wasn't likely. Maybe their behavior might mess with her mind.
"What about you?” She whispered.
"I'm a grown man, I'll survive."
Amber smiled, glad he wasn't a jerk who insisted on getting his jollies that instant. The teenager's remarks had interrupted the hot mood, and any further activity on their part would make her uncomfortable anyway.
Ryja drove off and then turned into a narrow road. He beamed them up, and then punched in coordinates on the box on his belt. Noticing she was staring at him, he said, “I just beamed the car into the cargo hold."
Getting to sleep was easy, because she was tired after their full evening of activity. Of course her body still hummed from their intense necking, but she shoved it down. Tomorrow was the date that cemented their physical relationship.
Amber didn't see Ryja all morning. They ate lunch together and she was dying of curiosity. What would he chose for their last date? All of the dates had been fun or romantic.
"I thought our last date we should time jump,” he said abruptly.
"Wonderful.” Amber had hoped he'd chose an adventure.
"Where to?"
"Hmm. I remember you mentioning interest in Vikings. That is a period I planned on visiting anyway."
She couldn't keep the excitement off her face. Vikings were a fascinating people. They could be seen as barbarians with their raids, but were also heroes in her eyes. Traveling across oceans on those small dragon boats took guts.
Amber got undressed quickly once they reached the jump room, and slipped on the silver suit. Although she'd worn her clothes beneath the suit the first time, Ryja had told her later it was more comfortable with less clothing. She only wore a bra and panties after that.
"What activity would you like to see?” Ryja closed his suit and checked the boxes on his belt.
He had watched her undress with interest, but now he was all business. “I don't want to see them raiding. Although it would be interesting from a historical perspective, I'm afraid it would be too savage for me.” She stared at the wall. Village life? Ocean voyage?
"I'd love to see a ship crossing the ocean."
The bubble started upward and Amber couldn't wait to make the jump. The push was just as nauseating as last time and it took a few seconds for her head to settle.
She screamed shrilly. Amber was hanging about 50 feet abo
ve the ocean.
"It's all right.” Ryja's voice came through the red box on her belt. “Remember you're standing on the shield's bottom."
Her trembling ceased, but she had to take several deep breaths to calm her heart from racing. “I don't like this,” she complained, but was glad Ryja had moved his bubble next to hers.
"I'm sorry Amber, this is the only way to watch them on their voyage."
She stared down and then spotted a dragon ship to the left. It looked tiny.
"Hold on and I'll get us a bit closer.” He punched buttons on the black box.
The bubbles moved gently toward the ship and descended to about 20 feet above it. The proud ship rode the waves, the intricately carved wood dragon plowing through the water. Five men stood on board. They were dressed in furs. The men were involved in an intense conversation and paid no attention to the roughness of the swells. Although the sky was clear, the waves were fierce.
Amber's stomach was queasy. First there had been the jump, then the unexpectedness of not having ground beneath her. She also realized the waves ceaseless movement was adding to the sea sickness. It was kind of funny since she wasn't on a boat, but she suffered nonetheless.
"Here, chew on this,” Ryja merged their shields and then withdrew after she took a pill from him.
She wished he had stayed connected with her bubble, but didn't want to appear a coward by asking him to come back. Amber watched Ryja record the ship below while she chewed the cherry flavored tablet.
Amazingly, by the time she finished it, her stomach had settled. She stared down, happy she could now observe the Vikings without feeling sick. After some minutes, she became a bit bored. The ocean looked endless, and the ship rode its swells. It was the same motion over and over. If she could understand the men's conversation, it would have been much more interesting.
Fortunately a young man came from below, carrying cups, which he handed out.
He made two more trips, staying the last one to sip and chat with the others. It was probably some hearty broth or soup.
"Ready for a change?” Ryja interrupted her thoughts.