Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor Read online

Page 4

  "Mica, you've outdone yourself.” Ryja commented as the man set down the food.

  This was the android. Trying not to stare, she examined him. His face was too perfect, so smooth she couldn't see any pores. Mica's gaze flicked to her, and Amber was surprised by the vivid blue shade, which she'd never seen on any human. She looked down at her plate, realizing she had been staring at him when he glanced at her.

  "Oh, this is Amber."

  "Nice to meet you madam.” His polite voice was as smooth as his face.

  She didn't like to be called madam, but they could clear that up later. “Nice to meet you,” she said softly, still staring at the plate.

  Simple white ware met her gaze. It held a true American breakfast; fried eggs, toast melting with butter, and three pieces of bacon. A tall, thin glass of orange liquid sat beside the plate, and she hoped it was orange juice.

  "Go ahead, dig in,” Ryja chewed a piece of bacon.

  Amber gingerly tried one. It was good, and tasted like beef. Her stomach growled and she cut the egg up. Delicious. Dipping the toast into the egg, she licked a drop that escaped the side of her mouth.

  "Is it to your liking?"

  "Very good.” She looked up and smiled. “It's so fresh tasting."

  He nodded. “I bought the items at one of your farmer's market,” he said.

  "Mica scans markets on whatever planet we're visiting, and then whips up some local flavor."

  "I look forward to what you cook up next.” Mica smiled for the first time. His teeth were brilliant and as perfect as the rest of his face.


  "Sure.” Amber and Ryja chimed in together.

  The android walked to a table set against one wall, with a coffeepot on it. Mica set two white mugs down, then a small tray with a cream pitcher and sugar bowl.

  "Delicious,” Amber said after a few sips.

  "I went to Brazil for the beans, and then ground them myself."

  "You are a treasure Mica."

  He looked very pleased.

  "Why don't you sit down and have a cup of coffee with us?"

  His face looked crestfallen, “Oh, I'm sorry, you can't drink coffee?"

  "It has ingredients that are like poison to me.” He smiled. “But I enjoy making it. I love the smell."

  She wondered about food and Ryja must have guessed her thoughts.

  "Mica can eat, but only certain prepared foods.” Ryja answered for his android.

  "If you will excuse me, I have work to do elsewhere.” Mica slipped away quietly.

  Amber felt sad that the android couldn't enjoy a drink he loved the fragrance of. They finished breakfast in relative quiet, and she let the sounds and sights soothe her. If this was a dream, it was the most beautiful one she ever experienced.

  "Are android's really a combination of robot and humanoid?"

  He smiled at her. “Sci-fi movies?” Before she could answer, he replied, “You're correct."

  "So” she took another sip of the heavenly brew. “What's on the agenda today?"

  "I thought I'd leave that up to you."


  Rya poured them both more coffee. “I'm a historical explorer, and I'm here to study Earth's history."

  Ah, his mission.

  "Don't you have some kind of scheduled time periods to observe?"

  "No.” He stared at her over his cup. “Since I'm not on the Galactic Libraries payroll, I can choose to time jump to any point in your history."

  Amber blew out a breath. A tall order. She loved so many of history's time periods. There was Egypt, Vikings, the American West, and so on. What was her favorite? And then there was his casual mention of a Galactic Library. She'd have to drill him later about that. Right now she was riveted by his offer to go with on one of his studies, whatever that entailed.

  Her brow smoothed. Of course. What had she wanted to be when she was a kid? An anthropologist. And what had she been in love with her whole life?. Dinosaurs. She loved watching the Discovery Planets “what if” shows about dinosaurs. Each period was fascinating by itself.

  She smiled. The Jurassic movies were her favorites, and her fav plastic dinosaur toy had been Triceratops. That fringe and horns were so cool.

  "The Jurassic period."

  "Uh, what is it?"

  Amber giggled. She had said something his translator didn't know.

  "One of Earths periods in history when certain types of dinosaurs ruled the planet."

  "Ah. I should have remembered that."

  "You watched the movie?"

  "They have a movie about dinosaurs?"

  Amber laughed, “More than one."

  "I studied your dinosaurs, but I can't remember everything I read."

  "Me either."

  After breakfast Ryja took her to a small room, with drawers along one wall, a panel of flashing lights on the opposite wall, and an open closet. There was nothing inside but one hanger.

  "This is where you keep your clothes?"

  "Some.” He pulled open a drawer, withdrawing a long orange robe. He flapped it, so it stretched against his chest and hung to his feet. “I wear this when I travel to Orso."

  He waved a hand at the other drawers, “A different set of clothes for each planet I've visited."

  Walking over to the panel he spoke, “Shield suit, size.” Turning, he asked, “What size do you wear?"

  "In dresses an eight, a small or medium in shirts, depending on how they are made."

  He nodded, repeating what she said, adding, “For Earth women's clothes."

  The lights began to flash in random patterns and a whirling noise grew in volume. Then abruptly there was a shimmer of light from the closet. Amber stared at a smaller version of Ryja's one piece suit that hung from the hanger.

  "Pretty nifty."

  "You are correct,” he grinned. “Slip this on and we can be on our way."

  "Why can't I wear this?” She was quite comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt.

  "Because,” he held the suit toward her. “It works in conjunction with the time shield.” At her confused look, he added, “I'll explain on the way to the jump room."

  Jump room. “Hey,” she grabbed his arm. “What do you mean?” She thought his studies might be doing research in the library.

  Amber couldn't understand half of what Ryja told her, and just hoped he knew what he was doing. She took the silvery suit hesitantly, but then stepped into it. It closed with a suctioning sound when she pulled the front together. Amber ran her fingers along the material. It was buttery soft. Maybe wearing it wouldn't be so bad.

  * * * *

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  Chapter Five

  Amber did as he had instructed though, and made sure everything was in place. The communicator box was clipped on the belt, as well as the larger box that was her lifeline. It kept the shield intact, and was the control between the life support inside the bubble.

  They were going to be enclosed into a shield in order to jump back in time. The suit worked in conjunction with the shield and a small black box attached to his belt. The bubbles and spacesuits provided oxygen and rid the interior of carbon dioxide. The unit on her belt regulated body temperatures, making the suit warmer when it was cold, and cooler when outside temps were too hot.

  Were they really going to travel back in time? She glanced at Ryja. He was totally male and looked delicious, although she wished for some reason the silvery suit wasn't quite so loose. A giggle escaped her in spite of her fear.

  "What?” He turned around.

  "Nothing.” She waved a hand. “I just had a funny thought."

  "You don't like my suit?"

  "I love it,” she smiled. “Especially when you bend and this soft material,” she pulled at the fabric above her waist, “clings lovingly to your cute butt."

  "Lovingly, huh. So my butt is funny?” He quirked one eyebrow high, looking very silly.

  She sighed in exaggeration. “It just hit me how weird it is
for someone who looks like a hunky Viking warrior to be wearing a spacesuit."

  He stuck one knee out in front and put a fisted hand into his waist. “It's all the rage on Sacato II."

  Laughter overcame her at his antics. He had shared several stories about different planets he had visited during breakfast. One was that the men of Sucato II were extremely feminine in their appearance and actions. But no wanted to do battle with them, because they were known for their savagery in wars.

  Ryja strode to her side. “I wish this was tighter too.” He rubbed the loose material over one hip. “It hides your sexy body."

  "Are all men of Arrak as horny as you?” She smiled, keeping it light.

  He shrugged. “I don't know everybody. But the men are pretty frisky.” He pulled her to him and planted a quick, warm kiss. “As much as I'd like to have sex right now, I've got a special jump planned for your first time."

  Ryja released her and Amber stumbled back a step. How had he reversed this situation on her?

  As they walked down the hall toward the room where he said they would jump back in time, he commented, “When we get back from this trip, you'll be hot."

  Hot? As in overheated, or did he mean something sexual? She asked him.

  "Oh, it makes sex very...interesting."

  So that was it. “We'll see,” she replied in a dry voice.

  For Pete's sake, they had only made love once. She smiled to herself. Boy, was it spectacular though.

  The jump room was even smaller than the one where the computer created clothes. All four walls were filled with flashing lights on panels. There were two raised pads in the center. Ryja walked over and stood on one, and indicated the other to her. Unsure as to what she had agreed to, Amber stepped up on the other pad.

  Then he spoke to the computer. She was startled when a clear substance grew from the floor, and followed it with her eyes as it moved upward. She was surrounded with a bubble. Although Ryja had given her detailed information about the process, it still her nervous.

  Once the bubble enclosed her completely, Amber was surprised that she didn't feel claustrophobic. Maybe it was due to the shield being clear. Nothing could penetrate the shields, nor could they inadvertently leave a trace of their presence on Earth's history. The shield worked both ways in protecting the historical timeline. Glancing sideways, she saw Ryja was encased as well.

  "It will be fine.” He punched in codes on a red box in his hand and then clipped it to his belt. “Remember, you'll be disoriented for a few seconds."

  A sudden warm and tingly sensation ran through her body, and then she was blinded by white lights that flickered rapidly outside the shield. Vertigo gripped her. Amber could not see the jump room, and if they were outside now, she couldn't see land below or sky above. Even Ryja was not visible.

  A swooshing noise erupted, and then it felt like a huge hand grabbed her, shoving her body backward. Amber stumbled and bounced inside the bubble. She was terrified of broken bones, but then realized she simply bounced gently inside the controlled atmosphere of the sphere.

  It stopped moving and she looked for Ryja, not even noticing her surroundings

  until she spied his bubble. His shield bounced too, but he did a balancing act, walking with the rolling bumps. It reminded her of the little boys she saw once at a carnival, who tried to walk inside the huge balls, which had been put into a lake. The boys tried very hard to maintain balance, but none could stand for over a few seconds, much less walk.

  Ryja saw her, waved, and started walking toward her. The bubble moved with him, looking like it didn't move at all as he walked.

  She took a tentative step, then another. It was like normal walking, except the shield moved with her.

  "Are you all right?” He stopped next to her.

  "It was scary, but I'm fine."

  "What do you think?” He spread his arms wide.

  Only then did Amber look around, and then spun in a circle inside her shield. Her mouth dropped open. Their bubbles rested on the edge of a steep cliff. Below them, a huge valley stretched to the craggy mountains ringing it.

  Herds of duck bills stood around, grazing on leafy bushes. She watched, fascinated, as they chewed slowly, reminding her of cows. Beside the large lake, Stegosaurus and Brachiosaurus drank. There were other species she couldn't name, including the smaller one that reminded her of an armadillo with its plated armor. Amber spied two Triceratops and her heart thudded. There were her old favorites, big horns and all.

  "Ryja.” She was speechless after whispering his name. They really had traveled back in time. He wasn't kidding or crazy.

  "I know. It's not Arrak, but I still admire the savage beauty of this place and the

  creatures.” He sat down, and she did the same. “We have plenty of time to observe them."

  Not taking her eyes off the herds of dinosaur, she remembered his lessons. They had four hours in which to record before the life support ran down. She had paid attention to what he told her, even though she couldn't really comprehend time jumping.

  Earlier, she had asked him what would happen if they ran into trouble. He had looked puzzled, and then again explained the safety of the shields. But then she had asked “what if there were mechanical failure” while they were on a jump.

  Ryja had smiled and told Amber his communicator automatically signaled the ship every hour. How it did that through a time jump she had no idea, and didn't ask Ryja. He would probably give her some example like the TV again.

  Amber's impression of Ryja was that he was similar to Earth men who had to own every tool as a toy that made a man's heart happy, but had no clue how the more technical items worked. Ryja certainly seemed to have whatever he needed for traveling in space, and then jumping through time.

  Anyway, he'd explained that if the ship's computer didn't hear back from him during the check-in time, it would beam him back through time to the ship. It was a failsafe in case of mechanical or other problems.

  "What if your communicator or time jump equipment didn't work,” she asked.

  "Well,” he shrugged. “Then I'd have to get used to living in a different historical period, on whatever planet I was studying at the time."

  Amber came out of her thoughts as a roar drew her eyes back to the plains below. An Allosaurus jumped from a line of tall trees and started chasing one of the duck bills. The whole herd, including other types of herbivores stampeded.

  The blood from her face rushed downward. Poor duck bill. She didn't want to see it ripped apart. Taking a deep breath, Amber tried to be objective as the huge carnivore tripped the clumsy dinosaur. She was here to watch, and the predatory act had passed away millions of years ago.

  Still, it was hard to watch the Allosaurus rip into the other dinosaur with clawed feet, and then tear chunks from its screaming, thrashing body. Amber finally looked away.

  "It's okay,” he said softly. “Remember, they can't see, hear, or smell us."

  An ear-splitting roar that literally shook the ground, made her freeze in place. Stiffly, she swiveled, and squealed at the sight of a huge T-Rex standing no more than 30 feet from them. Its fierce eyes looked right at her, in spite of what Ryja said about them being invisible.

  Amber tried to run, but ended up stumbling. She barely maintained her feet. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ryja moving swiftly toward her. He pressed buttons on the black box as he moved next to her. Their shields merged and then he reached for her.

  Her legs were quaking and she took a step and fell to her knees, dragging Ryja with her. He flipped his body, landing on the bottom. “We're safe. They can't harm us in the shields."

  Rubbing her back, he seemed to be waiting for something, and after she calmed a smidgen, Amber realized it was for her to stop shaking. She stared at him. “Thanks for saving my butt from the hard ground."

  "Can't say it did me any good,” he groaned, but his mischievous grin told her he was kidding. “Better?” At her nod, he gave her a quick peck on the n

  Her trembling subsided, but Amber clutched his waist as the mammoth beast headed their way. “It seemed to be looking right at us."

  Sitting up, he pulled her to sit beside him. “We're just in his line of sight."

  Amber turned in his arms and gasped. Another T. Rex stood twitching its tail, its neck outstretched in a roar. They were directly between the two. “Can we move back,” she whispered. In spite of Ryja's assurances, she felt exposed.

  Standing up quickly, they walked backwards, and had only moved a few feet when the dinosaur nearest them charged. His large thigh brushed their shield and it spun in a circle, then backwards. It stopped after a few rotations and Amber stumbled, bringing Ryja down with her.

  This time she landed on her butt. She couldn't believe she'd fallen twice.

  A quick kiss to her mouth and he said, “At least we're out of their path now."

  Amber didn't care for his flippant attitude or his wide grin. Her heart was hammering against her ribs. Regardless of Ryja's confidence in the shield's invulnerability, it had appeared they were about to be trampled by a 12 foot monstrosity.

  While all these muddled thoughts were in her head, Ryja was sitting beside her, rubbing her back. Amber found she was relaxing. Was that all it took, a few back rubs from him?

  "Feel better?"

  She realized this was not the time to self-gripe about controlling her fear. Amber appreciated his gentle smile and nodded. The ground shaking roars drew their attention back to the dinosaurs. Ryja stood and drew her up beside him, keeping his arms about her waist.

  The T. Rexs’ were snapping at each other, roaring, and circling one another. So far it was a lot of aggressive display. Without warning, the larger dinosaur lunged at the other one, taking a bite out of its shoulder. It jumped back out of reach as the wounded Tyrannosaurus Rex snapped.

  The smaller one seemed more angry than hurt and ran at the bigger one, knocking it down. Immediately it jumped, gripping its larger opponent by the throat.