Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor Read online

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Slipping through time and watching history unfold had been the biggest adventure of her life. Then, her sizzling relationship with Ryja tied with her adventures for best time. How could she go back to her mundane existence?

  Before Ryja, she'd been very content. She loved her kids. Eight year olds were still open to histories wonders and in general were manageable. She loved having summers off, and enjoyed spending more time with her friends.

  But now, after weeks with the handsome alien, her old life seemed boring. It would be a hard adjustment. A tear slid down one cheek. Unfortunately, she had also fallen hard for the too handsome history explorer. How could she go back to beta men and losers after Ryja?

  "Maybe I'll become a nun.” Amber didn't realize she'd spoken out loud, until Ryja turned from the panel he'd been studying.

  "A nun.” He laughed loudly. “That doesn't sound like the hot woman I've gotten to know."

  Amber blushed, then became angry. “It's none of your business."

  He stepped closer, stopping an arm's length away. Those beautiful eyes that often seemed capable of piercing her soul, examined her face.

  "I thought we'd shared enough that a concern of yours, would be mine too."

  She waffled between anger to keep him away, and giving in. Could she withstand the power he'd hold over her if he knew she loved him? Would he laugh and spout something about his playboy lifestyle? She couldn't chance it. They were from completely different universes for Pete's sake.

  "I don't have any concerns.” Amber tried to keep the weakness out of her voice. Just the thought of leaving him made her want to break down in tears.

  "I've had a wonderful time,” she added. She shifted uncomfortably as his eyes continued their search for truth. She didn't want to be stripped bare, examined, and then abandoned.

  He took the step that closed the distance between them and clasped her upper arms. “I have had a great time too. But all good things must end eventually."

  A lump was in her throat.

  "Look at me,” he demanded.

  Amber did so without thinking. The tears slid down even though she bit her bottom lip, hoping the pain would help stem their flow.

  "Why the tears?” One hand came up, his thumb tenderly wiping one cheek clear.

  Try as she might, Amber could not stop further tears escaping.

  Ryja turned her face up. There was no escaping his perusal.

  "Could it be you'd miss me a little,” his voice teased.

  She drew a deep breath. “Yes."

  "It's not our historical travels you would miss?"

  Amber blinked, clearing her eyes. “Of course I'll miss those terribly."

  "But they wouldn't be the cause of your wish for celibacy.” His grin lit up his handsome face.

  Closing her eyes to his visage, she replied, “You're teasing me."

  A soft kiss on her lips made her jump and open her eyes. His blue ones stared into hers with emotions it was hard to place.

  Ignoring her feeble attempt to escape, he continued. “I would miss the brilliant historical mind that made jumps so much more fun."

  Her back relaxed.

  "I would miss the best sex of my fifty years."

  Amber flushed. “You look good for an old man."

  "Good one.” He quirked one eyebrow. “You know we live longer than Earthlings.

  I'm in my prime."

  She had to smile. She had scored a hit, although she hadn't meant to.

  Ryja returned her smile with a grin. “I would not miss you chattering too much when something important needs to be said."

  "He-” Ryja pressed two fingers over her lips. “Let me finish before I get too old to remember what I was going to say."

  She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from giggling. “Okay."

  He stared at her, all humor leaving his face. But his eyes sparkled, as beautiful as sapphires.

  "I would miss the woman I've come to love."

  Amber stared at his mouth, as if she could lip read. She heard him, but it didn't make sense.

  "Why do you look so confused?"

  Was that anger or hurt in his voice?

  "I just,” she cleared her throat. “I mean, I remember when we met, you made it very clear you were some kind of interplanetary playboy."

  She managed to pull herself from his embrace. They were too close, too intimate for this discussion.

  "I think you twisted my words.” He did look pissed.

  Amber shrugged. “Well, maybe, but that was the impression you gave me."

  "Hmm. I admitted that I loved traveling to different worlds, and then getting to know lovely ladies of that planet."

  "Something like that."

  "So what?” He stepped toward her, and Amber backed up, until her spine was pressed against the flight control panel.

  "I'm supposed to be content to be just one of your conquests.” Her voice rose in volume. “I am supposed to stand idly by while you take a blue-skinned Yovarra maid right under my nose."

  Ryja turned to the room at large. The only other thing in it besides machinery was Mica. “Does that make sense to you?"

  "Nothing humanoids do makes sense to me."

  Ryja waved his arm at Mica. “He's been in a tiff all week, ever since I refused his request for time off."

  The android paused in what he was doing. Ryja continued, “Mica has a hot little android he visits on Buju. Unfortunately right now I need Mica's expert help. Although I have automated navigational systems, there always seems to be a bug in them."

  She noticed Mica nodding his head in agreement.

  Looking straight at the android, Ryja stated, “If not for Mica's guidance, we could have ended up on the other side of the universe many times."

  "I noticed Mica has been grumpy this past week,” she whispered, clearly not wanting his android to hear this part of the conversation. “Why don't you give him the time off?"

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  Chapter Thirteen

  Ryja sighed and answered low to keep the conversation between them. “Because it is a long distance out of my way. I think I mentioned at dinner yesterday I'm heading home after I finish up here."

  She nodded, but her gaze was upon his chest, as if she didn't want to look at him. What was wrong with his stubborn Earth woman? He would have thought his remarks about Mica would pull a smile from her. He was becoming angrier by the seconds. He had offered his love for the first time to any being. She questioned him. She mocked him.

  Ryja took a deep breath and examined Amber's face. It was a lovely feature, and she usually had trouble hiding her true feelings from him. He saw defiance, yes. But something else floated beneath those expressive green eyes. Was that fear? Pain?

  Her remembered her tears. Then her silly remark about becoming a nun. Why would she want to be celibate? All the switches in his brain clicked and he felt like an idiot.

  Amber was talking about her return to Earth, so her celibacy comment could only mean one thing. She not only wanted him sexually, she loved him too.

  His chest expanded with joy. He had suspected her feelings for weeks, but she was so guarded. Then a deeper truth hit him, Amber thought he was going to leave her. He decided to unhinge her. Test his theory.

  Stepping closer, so that she was caught between him and the panel, he asked, “Why do you want to leave me"

  "Wh...what?” Amber's eyes widened.

  "You are throwing this crap at me about being a playboy, and we both know it's getting close to time for you to return to your old life."

  "How can you be so cruel?” she whispered.

  He shrugged, keeping his eyes on her face. “I could put you through the zzupti. It would remove all memories of me and our time together."

  "No,” she screamed.

  "Why not?” He knitted his brow as if puzzled. “Wouldn't it make your life easier?"

  "Lose the memories of our time together. Never!” Anger lashed her features and her body quivered.

  "Those historical jumps would be a shame to forget,” he sighed heavily.

  "That's not what I meant."

  "Then what would you have me do?"

  "I. What do I know; you are the high and mighty intelligent being here.” Amber had turned to sarcasm.

  Grinning, he asked, “What do humans usually do in situations like this?"

  "Like this.” She folded her arms, totally disgusted by the look she stabbed his way. “How am I supposed to know? You're the one who gallivants around the universe collecting harems for all I know."

  Her eyes were wild and he knew she was on the verge of attacking him physically. Time to calm her down.

  "Now Amber,” he sweetened his tone. “I've never had a harem, nor would I desire one.” At her disbelieving look, he added, “Whether you believe me or not, the people of Arrak are completely monogamous once they find their soul mate."

  "But you have plenty of fun strewing you oats first."

  "Why not?” He shrugged, glad he knew many Earth slang words and sayings. “Haven't you dated different men?"

  "Sure.” Her face calmed and her body relaxed. “But I doubt I came close to your numbers."

  "Hey,” he put one hand up. “I'm older than you, remember? I should have more notches under my belt than you."

  "You seem proud of your conquests."

  "Wasn't it you who were pointing out the numbers game?"

  "All right.” Amber placed both palms out, almost touching his chest. “I'm tired of your word games.” Her eyes came back to his face. “What do you intend to do with me?"

  There was so much hidden pain beneath those cat-like eyes that he couldn't tease her any longer. “I intend to make you my wife, if you will have me."

  Mica snorted and mumbled, “About freaking time."

  His android was really angry, for she had never heard Mica speak like that. Amber agreed with Mica, but how could she believe Ryja? She spoke her thoughts aloud.

  "How can I believe you?"

  "Oh, yeah.” Ryja rammed his hands in the pockets of his pants, producing an object he held toward her. “An Arrak marriage bracelet."

  Amber took the delicately made jewelry, staring down at it. It was made like a

  tennis bracelet, but instead of diamonds, lovely green gems sparkled along its length. It had a fluid movement created by the chained silvery metal links that bound the gems to it.

  "What are they?” She pointed to one of the half carat sized stones.

  "Cornoss gems."

  "They are truly beautiful.” She glanced back up at Ryja. “There's no way you've had time to travel to Arrak, because we've been together constantly since we met."

  "True. I acquired the bracelet some years ago, keeping it for my future wife one day."

  "Expensive?” She wasn't sure how much of his statement she believed.


  "So, in galactic terms you're rich?” She eyed him, doubtful.

  "As a matter of fact, I am.” He waved a hand around the room. “The historical society doesn't’ hand out these babies to historians."

  He pointed over his shoulder. “Plus, Mica cost me a small fortune."

  "Slave driver,” Mica snapped.

  "Ignore him,” Ryja chuckled. “I treat him like a brother."

  "Mica is always so calm natured, but I've noticed you two acting like siblings lately.” Amber moved the bracelet, making it sparkle and flash. “So, you paid a small fortune for this too.” Her mind was no longer on his android's behavior, but back to questioning his motives.

  "Why the sudden drilling about wealth? Everything I've come to know about you Amber, indicates you have no real interest in material assets,"

  She shrugged. “I guess I'm questioning your motives."

  He laughed. “I already stated those.” He placed one finger on the bracelet, rubbing it. “It was given to me."

  She glanced up at him, annoyed. “Some rich lady friend?"

  Shaking his head, he grinned. “Don't look so distressed, a rich nobleman gave it to me for saving his life."

  "Oh.” Suddenly she felt dumb. Why was she drilling him? She didn't know. The only thing she did know was that she felt very nervous.

  "Try it on,” He urged.

  "Would it mean we were officially engaged?” She wasn't sure if she was ready to commit to the handsome alien. That was it. There were still unanswered questions about what their life would be like together.

  "No, not until you say the binding words."

  She slipped it on her left wrist. “It is something else."

  "It goes on the right, but that's fine for now.” Ryja clasped her hand, turning it so the gems flashed. “Isn't it amazing they match your eyes."

  His eyes went from the bracelet to her face, and she blushed. He was right, there were the same peridot color.

  "What other colors do they come in?"

  "Only green.” Ryja ran one thumb across a stone. “Cornoss is rare as it is, but that

  light shade is very rare."

  She didn't know what to say, or even think. Everything was so overwhelming.

  Finally she cleared her throat. “I can see why they are so valuable."

  Ryja chuckled. “Their beauty is not the reason they are so valued.” Taking the other hand he placed it over the bracelet. “Close your eyes and think of your favorite song."

  Amber frowned slightly, then closed her eyes. She had several songs she loved, but her mind was blank. What was he up to? The color green dominated everything, so that she recalled her favorite childhood song, Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

  The bracelet became suddenly warm beneath her fingers and a flute like note erupted from it.

  She gasped, her hand dropped, and the music stopped. “What happened?"

  "The true priceless nature of the stone is its ability to play music, from whatever song you have on your mind."

  "Really?” Was he serious? Did she imagine the music.

  "Try it again."

  She laid her palm over the bracelet, closed her eyes and thought of Judy Garland singing so beautifully. The sweet notes of a flute-like instrument started again.

  Amber held her breath.

  "You can open your eyes, and take your hand from the bracelet. She did and the song kept on until it finished the whole thing.

  "The sound is so entrancing. It sounds a lot like a flute, but sweeter."

  He nodded and waved a hand at her wrist. “Once you've trained your mind and the Cornoss, you can get it to play by just thinking of a song."

  "I don't know what to say, it's amazing.” She glanced up at him, “So that's how

  you keep your wives happy on Arrak,” she teased.

  He grinned. “Very few will sport a Cornoss wedding bracelet. You will be envied."

  Amber suddenly felt awkward. “What now?"

  "What now,” he repeated, reaching and pulling her into his arms. “You give me an answer.” Without waiting for a reply, he kissed her.

  "Your lips say yes,” he murmured against her mouth.

  "If you would give me a minute, I was about to say yes."

  "I love you,” he whispered, capturing her lips in a hot kiss that slammed her heart into overdrive.

  "I love you too,” said between kisses.

  "Are you ready for the binding words?” He stroked the side of her face, and she leaned into it.

  "Yes, just give me a moment to gather my thoughts.” Her mind flashed over their possible future—traveling through time, not only on this planet, but others as well, and setting up a permanent home on his world. She was excited to see Arrak. Ryja's descriptions were awe-inspiring.

  "Children?” Amber voiced the question that had popped into her mind. Did Ryja even like kids? Could two such diverse species even produce offspring?

  "What about them?” He smiled, as if guessing her concerns.

  "Can we have any?"

  "Sure. Didn't I tell you our species has been intermixing for thousands of years."r />
  "No!” She eyed him. “What do you mean?"

  "Um, some explorers from Arrak discovered Earth when your people were primitive. They found the women attractive and had sex. Legend says they were surprised when some couplings produced children."

  "You don't say.” She couldn't keep the sarcasm from her voice.

  "Really. There are not too many humanoid species that can intermix."

  "Oh. I'd like two kids. What about you?"

  He shrugged. “Never thought about it. But my uncle Laav had twenty seven rug rats."

  "Twenty seven!"

  "Of course he's been married four times."

  "But that still would be an average of seven children for each wife."

  "No.” He laughed and counted on his fingers. “Aunt Ekas had a litter of twelve."


  "Don't ask.” He continued. “Aunt Marmas had five children, Aunt Nu had three, and Aunt Boo had seven."

  "Aunt Boo."

  "Nickname, we can't pronounce her real one."

  "Are they all normal?” At his puzzled look, she added, “You know, breeding between different species."

  "Oh, sure. Aunt Ekas's kids had extra nipples."

  "Right, the litter one."

  He nodded. “My other aunts were all similar to Earth women except Aunt Boo."

  "Should I ask?"

  He grinned and said, “Okay, three of the kids inherited an extra set of arms, and five have the blue skin of their mom."

  "I see.” Amber couldn't even imagine family reunions.

  "You know what, forget about the number of children. We'll work on that later."

  Ryja unclasped the bracelet and held it above her right wrist. She nodded and he closed it. She took a deep breath. This was a big step.

  One more question.” She stared into his eyes. “Are you always going to work as a historian, or will you go home and take some other job?"

  "Don't worry my little adventurer,” Ryja wrapped his powerful arms around her. “We'll spend the rest of our lives studying history. Earth is interesting, but there are so many wondrous planets I'd like to show you."

  She stared at the gorgeous bracelet and then up at him. “I'm ready."

  "Heart to heart, soul to soul. I am bound to you throughout our lifetime.” He kissed her gently. “Now you repeat the words."

  She did, touched by the simple beauty of them. “We are engaged now?"